
Get Paid To Help Others, Transform Your Relationships, And Live A Deeply Meaningful Career

Become A Certified Level 1 Relationship Coach 


Are you the person your friends often turn to for relationship advice?

People like you have the raw material to become Relationship Coaches... natural talent and drive! Neither I nor anyone else can teach these superpowers. It's my experience that those with the X-factor will succeed in The Relationship School® Coach Training Program to become fantastic Relationship Coaches. 

Imagine A Career That Draws On Your Passion

Imagine a career that draws on your passion for personal growth and relationships. It harnesses your ability to support, challenge, and connect with others. It helps you develop as a person while helping others do the same.

What if you could earn a living while impacting thousands of people’s lives? You could also make an impact on the future of society and how we treat each other?

That would be pretty cool, right?

Well, that job exists. It’s the job of a relationship coach. I believe that relationship coaches will play a crucial role in the future of our culture, not only in the U.S., but around the world.

Relationship coaching can be incredibly fulfilling, both professionally and personally
.You can work from home and coach people virtually all over the world.
Becoming a relationship coach could change your life, and the world.

As the 80+ year Harvard study suggests, we have reached an unprecedented place as a culture where safe, deep, connected human relationships are central to a well-lived life.

The Relationship School’s Relationship Coaching® program is second-to-none

This course is designed for Natural Helpers, Growth-Oriented individuals, Life Coaches, and Therapists who are passionate about enhancing their understanding of relationships and guiding others towards stronger connections.

In a world where meaningful connections are increasingly rare, the demand for skilled relationship coaches is skyrocketing. But what sets apart an ordinary relationship coach from an extraordinary one? It's not just about understanding relationships—it's about mastering them. This is where our course steps in.

If you’re trained as a Relationship Coach at The Relationship School®, you will:

  • Be trained in Interpersonal Intelligence® the only map that illustrates and breaks down how relationships truly work and how to do them well.
  • Be trained in Present Centered Relationship Coaching® (a developing map that our founder created by working with hundreds of clients).
  • Receive cutting edge education on relational dynamics from Jayson Gaddis, founder of The Relationship School®
  • And much much more

We've got you covered. Our course is meticulously crafted to equip you with the tools and insights needed to navigate relationship coaching with confidence and clarity.

Your Path To Become a Professionally Certified Coach

​Comprehensive & Psychologically-Packed Video Lessons and demonstrations

17 modules of self-paced content, over 90 videos & 20 hours of on-demand content + 30-35 hours of homework assignments.

  • The Purpose of Relationship Coaching
  • The 3-Part Coaching Framework
  • Big Picture PCRC Coaching Model
  • PCRC Training Manual
  • How to be Successful in this Course
  • PCRC Manifesto
  • How to be a Client
  • Don’t Be Attached to the Outcome with your Clients
  • Present Centered Relationship Coaching Manual
  • Client Goal
  • Coaching Principles: Life is Trustworthy
  • Coaching Principles: Relationship as a Path
  • Coaching Principles: Relational Leadership
  • Coaching Principles: Security & Client Growth
  • Coaching Principles: Law of the Farm, Trust, Direct Experience
  • Coaching Principles: Behavior, Relationship Stages, Here and Now
  • Setting the Coaching Container and Holding Space
  • Coach Confidentiality
  • Code of Ethics- document
  • BONUS: The Primary Intention I Should Hold as a Coach
  • Administrative
  • Presence
  • Attunement
  • Support
  • Challenge
  • Develop their Story
  • Entanglement
  • Insight
  • Personal Responsibility
  • Be With
  • Empathy
  • Integration & Lessons
  • Action & Accountability
  • Equity Call 1
  • BONUS: 3 Things that Faciliate Change- Carl Rogers
  • Your First Session
  • Building Rapport
  • Jayson Modeling How To Build Rapport
  • SupportPopulations We Are Not Qualified To Serve
  • Coaching When a Client’s Child is in the Room
  • LIghting and Posture Over Zoom
  • Ray’s First Session
  • Personal Responsibility
  • Melissa’s First Session
  • Equity Call 2
  • BONUS: Jayson’s Client Resourcing Demonstration
  • BONUS: Jayson Demonstrating Guiding a Visualization Helping A Client Get Resourced - Visualization
  • BONUS: Jayson Modeling a First Session - Leah
  • BONUS: Jayson Modeling a First Session - Warren
  • BONUS: Jayson Reviewing His Coaching Session with John
  • BONUS: Helping A Client “Be With” His Fear
  • The Purpose of Relationship Coaching
  • The 3-Part Coaching Framework
  • Big Picture PCRC Coaching Model
  • PCRC Training Manual
  • How to be Successful in this Course
  • PCRC Manifesto
  • How to be a Client
  • Don’t Be Attached to the Outcome with your Clients
  • Present Centered Relationship Coaching Manual
  • Helping a Client to Own Their Part
  • How to Get a Client to Talk about Self
  • Working with Deflection in your Clients
  • How to Connect to Self, Before, During & After Sessions
  • BONUS: Challenging a Dad who Has a lot of Fantasies about Partnership
  • Using Coach Entanglement
  • How Coach Entanglement Helps as a Coach
  • Owning and Letting Go of Your Agenda
  • How To Regulate a Client
  • What To Do When a Coach is Talking Too Much
  • BONUS: Transparent Coaching Approach with Cheating Issue
  • Client Wanting More Support Than Challenge
  • Working With a ‘Resistant’ Client
  • When A Client Discloses Sexual Abuse
  • BONUS: Coaching About a Possible Separation and Self-Connection
  • Why Does Transmission Involve Here and Now?
  • 4 Types of Here and Now Experiments
  • Experiments in Coaching
  • Here and Now with a Client
  • BONUS: What To Do With a Power Struggle With A Client in Here and Now
  • Seen Before Solutions- Trying to Understand What It’s Like to Be Them
  • How To Tell If You Are Misattuned To A Client and What To Do About It
  • What Your Job Is As A Relationship Coach And What Coaching Is All About
  • Slaying Dragons Instead of Sidestepping Lizards & Mastering The Fundamentals
  • Jayson Demonstrating Roleplay: Sharing Impact
  • BONUS: Jayson Coaching Client Around Feeling Lost with His Compass and Purpose
  • BONUS: Jayson Coaching Student- Trigger with Girlfriend
  • How To Challenge and Deepen Someone’s Decision
  • When Your Client Says “I don’t want to upset the other person”
  • Holding A Boundary
  • Jayson Coaching Christen: Distrust and Deception in a Partnership
  • BONUS: Identifying Self-Betrayal, Commitment Issues, & Being a People Pleaser
  • BONUS: Jayson Coaching Student- Setting Boundaries with Daughter
  • Being With - Grief, Feeling, and the Importance of Eye Contact
  • Coach Going “Blank” In a Session
  • Pacing in Coaching
  • What To Do When A Client Asks For Advice
  • BONUS: Jayson Coaching Ciara
  • Memory Tracing 180 Exercise
  • Transitioning a Client to a 180
  • 180 with Jill – Conflict Avoidant Pattern
  • Language Matters- Qualifiers
  • BONUS: Jayson Coaching Client Using 180 About Single Incident From the Past
  • Memory Tracing 180 Exercise
  • Transitioning a Client to a 180
  • 180 with Jill – Conflict Avoidant Pattern
  • Language Matters- Qualifiers
  • BONUS: Jayson Coaching Client Using 180 About Single Incident From the Past
  • Emotions And Coaching
  • When A Client Is Emotional And Shuts Down
  • Client Feeling Demo - Jayson & Arif
  • When to support and NOT challenge (Trauma)
  • BONUS: 180 With Abby – Self-Judgment And Self-Worth
  • BONUS: 180 With Shannon – Not Feeling Chosen
  • Meeting A Client Where They Are
  • Confronting People's Fantasies About Relationships
  • Ending Your Coaching And Final Session
  • BONUS: Jayson Coaching Client: Helping Client Get In Touch With His Heart And Chose His Self-Protection
  • When A Client Is In Heavy Dysregulated Emotion
  • Self Acceptance vs Self Mastery
  • Helping Client Integrate Their New Found Heart And Power Connection To Self
  • Don't Let Your Clients Off The Hook
  • Self-Sabotaging Your Coaching Practice at the End of the Course
  • DBONUS: Difficult Conversations, Ownership And Clarity [00:25:05]
  • BONUS: Jayson Coaching Client On Self Worth Using 180
  • BONUS: Fun Experiments around your Clients Messiness and Imperfections
  • BONUS: Jayson Coaching Student on Standing up to Her Mother
  • Opportunities To “Teach” In A Session
  • When “Nothing Is Happening” During A Session
  • Conflict With A Client
  • When A Client Is Attracted To The Coach
  • BONUS: Jayson Helping a Client Repair & Address Deeper Issue

Your Path to Mastery:

Information-Packed Video Lessons. Comprehensive and Easy to Understand.


Module 1: Big Picture and Purpose of PCRC

  • The Purpose of Relationship Coaching
  • The 3-Part Coaching Framework
  • Big Picture PCRC Coaching Model
  • PCRC Training Manual
  • How to be Successful in this Course
  • PCRC Manifesto
  • How to be a Client
  • Don’t Be Attached to the Outcome with your Clients
  • Present Centered Relationship Coaching Manual

Module 2: Principles, Goals, Confidentiality, Ethics

  • Client Goal
  • Coaching Principles: Life is Trustworthy
  • Coaching Principles: Love
  • Coaching Principles: Relationship as a Path
  • Coaching Principles: Relational Leadership
  • Coaching Principles: Security & Client Growth
  • Coaching Principles: Law of the Farm, Trust, Direct Experience
  • Coaching Principles: Behavior, Relationship Stages, Here and Now
  • Setting the Coaching Container and Holding Space
  • Coach Confidentiality
  • Code of Ethics- document
  • BONUS: The Primary Intention I Should Hold as a Coach

Module 3: The Six Client Outcomes and Six Coach Practices

  • Administrative
  • Presence
  • Attunement
  • Support
  • Challenge
  • Develop their Story
  • Entanglement
  • Insight
  • Personal Responsibility
  • Be With
  • Empathy
  • Integration & Lessons
  • Action & Accountability
  • Equity Call 1
  • BONUS: 3 Things that Faciliate Change- Carl Rogers

Module 4: Your First Session and “Be With” Skills

  • Your First Session
  • Building Rapport
  • Jayson Modeling How To Build Rapport
  • Populations We Are Not Qualified To Serve
  • Coaching When a Client’s Child is in the Room
  • LIghting and Posture Over Zoom
  • Ray’s First Session
  • Personal Responsibility
  • Melissa’s First Session
  • Equity Call 2
  • BONUS: Jayson’s Client Resourcing Demonstration
  • BONUS: Jayson Demonstrating Guiding a Visualization Helping A Client Get Resourced - Visualization
  • BONUS: Jayson Modeling a First Session - Leah
  • BONUS: Jayson Modeling a First Session - Warren
  • BONUS: Jayson Reviewing His Coaching Session with John
  • BONUS: Helping A Client “Be With” His Fear

Module 5: Transmission, Motivational Interviewing & Values

  • The Purpose of Relationship Coaching
  • The 3-Part Coaching Framework
  • Big Picture PCRC Coaching Model
  • PCRC Training Manual
  • How to be Successful in this Course
  • PCRC Manifesto
  • How to be a Client
  • Don’t Be Attached to the Outcome with your Clients
  • Present Centered Relationship Coaching Manual

Module 6: Personal Responsibility & Deflection

  • Helping a Client to Own Their Part
  • How to Get a Client to Talk about Self
  • Working with Deflection in your Clients
  • How to Connect to Self, Before, During & After Sessions
  • BONUS: Challenging a Dad who Has a lot of Fantasies about Partnership

Module 7: Coach Entanglement & Your Agenda

  • Using Coach Entanglement
  • How Coach Entanglement Helps as a Coach
  • Owning and Letting Go of Your Agenda
  • How To Regulate a Client
  • What To Do When a Coach is Talking Too Much
  • BONUS: Transparent Coaching Approach with Cheating Issue

Module 8: More Support Than Challenge, Resistant Clients, Boundaries with Sexual Abuse

  • Client Wanting More Support Than Challenge
  • Working With a ‘Resistant’ Client
  • When A Client Discloses Sexual Abuse
  • BONUS: Coaching About a Possible Separation and Self-Connection

Module 9: Transmission and The Here and Now

  • Why Does Transmission Involve Here and Now?
  • 4 Types of Here and Now Experiments
  • Experiments in Coaching
  • Here and Now with a Client
  • BONUS: What To Do With a Power Struggle With A Client in Here and Now

Module 10: Getting Their World, First

  • Seen Before Solutions- Trying to Understand What It’s Like to Be Them
  • How To Tell If You Are Misattuned To A Client and What To Do About It
  • What Your Job Is As A Relationship Coach And What Coaching Is All About
  • Slaying Dragons Instead of Sidestepping Lizards & Mastering The Fundamentals
  • Jayson Demonstrating Roleplay: Sharing Impact
  • BONUS: Jayson Coaching Client Around Feeling Lost with His Compass and Purpose
  • BONUS: Jayson Coaching Student- Trigger with Girlfriend

Module 11: How To Challenge And Deepen A Client’s Decision

  • How To Challenge and Deepen Someone’s Decision
  • When Your Client Says “I don’t want to upset the other person”
  • Holding A Boundary
  • Jayson Coaching Christen: Distrust and Deception in a Partnership
  • BONUS: Identifying Self-Betrayal, Commitment Issues, & Being a People Pleaser
  • BONUS: Jayson Coaching Student- Setting Boundaries with Daughter

Module 12: Eye Contact, Feelings, Blankness, Pacing

  • Being With - Grief, Feeling, and the Importance of Eye Contact
  • Coach Going “Blank” In a Session
  • Pacing in Coaching
  • What To Do When A Client Asks For Advice
  • BONUS: Jayson Coaching Ciara
  • Memory Tracing 180 Exercise
  • Transitioning a Client to a 180
  • 180 with Jill – Conflict Avoidant Pattern
  • Language Matters- Qualifiers
  • BONUS: Jayson Coaching Client Using 180 About Single Incident From the Past

Module 13: Reframing The Past

  • Memory Tracing 180 Exercise
  • Transitioning a Client to a 180
  • 180 with Jill – Conflict Avoidant Pattern
  • Language Matters- Qualifiers
  • BONUS: Jayson Coaching Client Using 180 About Single Incident From the Past

Module 14: Emotions And The 180

  • Emotions And Coaching
  • When A Client Is Emotional And Shuts Down
  • Client Feeling Demo - Jayson & Arif
  • When to support and NOT challenge (Trauma)
  • BONUS: 180 With Abby – Self-Judgment And Self-Worth
  • BONUS: 180 With Shannon – Not Feeling Chosen

Module 15: Ending Coaching

  • Meeting A Client Where They Are
  • Confronting People's Fantasies About Relationships
  • Ending Your Coaching And Final Session
  • BONUS: Jayson Coaching Client: Helping Client Get In Touch With His Heart And Chose His Self-Protection

Module 16: Self Acceptance, Self Worth, Integrating Power

  • When A Client Is In Heavy Dysregulated Emotion
  • Self Acceptance vs Self Mastery
  • Helping Client Integrate Their New Found Heart And Power Connection To Self
  • Don't Let Your Clients Off The Hook
  • Self-Sabotaging Your Coaching Practice at the End of the Course
  • DBONUS: Difficult Conversations, Ownership And Clarity [00:25:05]
  • NUS: Jayson Coaching Client On Self Worth Using 180
  • BONUS: Fun Experiments around your Clients Messiness and Imperfections
  • BONUS: Jayson Coaching Student on Standing up to Her Mother

Module 17: Conflict & Sexual Attraction With Clients

  • Opportunities To “Teach” In A Session
  • When “Nothing Is Happening” During A Session
  • Conflict With A Client
  • When A Client Is Attracted To The Coach
  • BONUS: Jayson Helping a Client Repair & Address Deeper Issue

Module 18: Attract Coaching Clients Using Relationship Marketing with Sharla Jacobs of Thrive Academy

Notes for Trauma informed module:

Trauma informed module should go after mod 3. These are the videos that discuss helping a client move from dysregulation to embodiment, including dissociation.

  • Code of Ethics
  • Helping a client get resourced - body
  • Helping a Client Get Resourced - Visualization
  • Transmission 2: Regulating Them When They are Dysregulated
  • How to Connect to Self Before, During, and After Sessions
  • How to Regulate a Client
  • When to Support and Not Challenge (Trauma)/li>
  • When a Client is in Heavy Dysregulated Emotion (Shannon Coaching Stacey)
  • Understanding Trauma: When to Refer Out with Ariel Schwartz

The Incredible Coaching Model You Will Learn & Embody

Here at The Relationship School®, through Present Centered Relationship Coaching (PCRC®), we teach people to come back home to themselves, to who they really are. Too many people live according to someone else’s values or ideas about who they “should” be. When a person can come home to themselves and learn how to communicate, listen, and resolve conflict with their fellow humans, they are more likely to be fulfilled in their life.

Present-Centered Relationship Coaching (PCRC®) is a coaching approach and technique that helps people integrate and be more true to themselves in the context of intimate relationships in the here and now. 

As a coach our job is to help a person take responsibility for their relational life and become a relational leader. We help them evolve and develop their psychology, story, commitment, and interpersonal skills. 

In Present-Centered Relationship Coaching, we upgrade their view and map of how relationships work by showing and explaining to them how to do relationships differently. Showing includes here and now exercises, role plays etc. Telling them includes context and content. Showing and telling involves teaching and coaching.​

Trauma Informed

Understanding trauma, specifically relational trauma, is foundational to how we train new relationship coaches. Our curriculum is trauma-aware and our staff embody these principles. You will graduate from the program as a Trauma-Informed Certified Relationship Coach.

What Students Have To Say About The Training:

Jayson Gaddis has trained hundredscoaches worldwide since 2016



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I recently sought out therapy and it did not even come close to the connection and self-discovery/healing I get from this course.

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Will S.

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My relationships have improved so much since this course! Whether I start a business or not, this investment in myself was life changing. I can't thank Jayson, MITS, and my cohort enough for allowing me to be here. I want to change the narrative around Men of Color, emotions and healing. This is just the start. I will continue to research and grow in all intersectionalities I possess. Overall this was a challenging year with the relationships courses, teaching two courses and running an office. This was a rooting for me and a time to get the growth I needed! -Thank you!

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Ana R.

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Relationship Coach Training changed my life in a big way. For years I knew I wanted to change careers and do work that was more meaningful. RCT gave me the tools and experience I needed to build my own coaching practice.

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McKenna G.

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RCT was a great opportunity for me as a coach with no experience to explore what it means to help clients grow in real time and develop as a Relational Leader in my own life

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Danyelle B.

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Before I signed up for the course and read other people's testimonials, I wondered what the hell goes on in that course to make people say such things. What could possibly happen to make it so special?! Well, if I could sum it up in a few words: this school is the real deal. We are encouraged to face our fears, go towards the challenge holding us back and value our authentic selves and our close relationships. I am forever changed because of the new life lenses I wear. I feel more alive and awake than I have in decades and like we say in French, "Je me sens bien dans ma peau". (I feel good in my skin. I feel more embodied)

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Zach K.

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This course will have you combing with a fine tooth comb what you believe about relationships. It starts at the foundation with the personal relationship you have with yourself and exhaustively moves to concepts, tools, science and hands on practice in engaging the work. If that were not enough, which it wasn’t for a guy like me, you then learn how to facilitate the work for others, completing the learning cycle and, yet I know I have only just begun a life’s practice. Profound.

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Wendy B.

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RCT has given me the path to my most cherished aspiration. Today I can say with confidence, I am a coach. In RCT I have grown and learned and built cherished relationships with true heart warriors. I have discovered abilities and strengths I never knew I had.I am so glad I chose to invest in myself and give myself the opportunity to have my work make an impact in people's lives. i may not change the world, but I know I will make it possible for people to change theirs. Thank you Relationship School!

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Damodar C.

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A course that will give you the perspectives & tools to radically redo your relationships - and your relationship to your own self - in deeply empowering & meaningful ways... as well as share those tools with the world as a relationship coach. If you take the content to heart, practice, and are self motivated, this course has the power to bring great transformation into your lives and the lives of others... and give you the resource to shift into an exciting new career and service to others

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Tyler M.

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Consider what you really want out of your relationships and your life. If there is any part of yourself that you feel like you cannot show authentically but you feel called to get more out of yourself, this course is for you. The coursework and community in RCT/RM will truly unlock many aspects of yourself and your life that you may not even know are capable of making a difference in the world, yet.

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Jenny N.

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I started this class taking the orientation while I was in a resort, in one of those vacations that couples in trouble take, hoping that will help turn things around. I am finishing with a divorce, which sometimes sounds like a bad word, but I see it as "success." It still tastes like grief and the loss of a project, BUT I found some of the tools I needed to face my truth, stop chasing potential instead of facing reality, and, most importantly, build a better relationship with myself. I also work in a context with high-level expressed emotions, and tools like LUFU have been beneficial.

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Amy W.

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I'm a therapist by profession and what I have seen in my time with Jason and his work is that he brings theory and a practicality. So, a lot of people can teach the theory. What Jason does, which I feel is different, is that he makes it practically. And with the Deeper program, we practiced it for nine months. It's not a five day workshop or a three day workshop and then we're done in them or on our own.

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Bec W.

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RCT has had a huge impact on me and my relationships. One of my biggest revelations is how similar and interconnected intimate parter and parent child relationships are. How we are parented impacts how we show up in intimate partnerships and also how we parent. It's an ongoing cycle that can perpetuate toxicity and dysfunction or it can be a nourishing and respectful turning of the generational wheel. And with the awareness that this course creates in us, we get to choose which way we take it.

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Richelle L.

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This program has helped me deepen in my understand of needs and values, which has supported me in bringing more challenge to my relationship. I also feel much more equipped to navigate the rocky waters of conflict and get back to a good place with my partner. As a coach, I feel more prepared to support my clients in their challenging relational dynamics. I've developed more skills that I can bring to the coaching container and I'm excited to continue to deepen into and integrate this important work!

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Rebekah D.

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Not only has this course given me the skills and confidence to get out and start my coaching business, but it has deeply impacted my life and personal relationships. As someone who has struggled with self criticism for a lifetime, I can finally see my strengths and not be knocked out by mistakes. Seeing myself, my authentic self wholly, was worth the investment of time and financial resources on its own and even more so with the confidence I now have as a relationship coach.

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Vladislava Z.

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The RCT has been a ground breaking experience for me. Relationships are one of my highest values and the course has brought me to a place at which I feel like I’m walking my talk. Coupled with relentless personal responsibility the RCT course is a great transformational container towards a more fulfilling life through love. I would recommend it to anybody who aspires to a more meaningful and connected life and to those who are called to support others on this path through coaching.

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Silvia B.

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"I think the idea of having a school with classmates, teachers and headmaster to study relationships is marvelous. I highly appreciate the relationships I could build during the course and my personal and relational development I gained during the last year. I also find it interesting to what level this work can be transmitted online - and therefore relationships from all around the world have been established. "

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Leticia L.

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The impact this course has made on me has been huge with respects to transforming my being an enabler and overfunctioner. I have been over-functioning in my relationships my entire life and this awareness is huge. I realize I have been doing most of the relationship work and have decided to stand down in relation to this. Not stand down on my own work; however, allowing the other to take charge of their own inner life. If the "other" is not able to grow up I have to reassess if I am able to grieve what I am not going to get. Children are unable to help themselves so it is imperative to know our inner children and when they rear their heads and bodies and care for them while triggered and witness who is at the table to make wiser choices.

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Mala B.

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I have been taught to lead with curiousity and vulnerability. I've become much clearer on my own style and approach. I've learnt deeper levels of understanding around self responsibility, self acceptance and self mastery. I love that I can honestly claim what is my shit and when I'm not sure I have retrieved my confidence to ask.

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Nikoo A.

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The RM and RCT has been one of the best experiences of my life and truly transformative. It was hard work and worth every minute.

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Jordan K.

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I have learned to take more ownership of my relational experience and look inward for change vs outward. When I started this course, I was sure that I needed my partner to change in ways that suited me to continue to build intimacy and joy an connection in my relationship. I now see that it is up to me to make the changes I seek in relationship and this has grown my compassion towards others and empathy. I feel more resilient and connected to the value of relationships.

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Patsy S.

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I am no longer in people-pleasing mode or staying silent. Now, I am owning my part, setting boundaries, communicating more clearly, being more curious, asking questions to get to the heart of the matter and more. My relationship toolbox is ready to go! Plus, I get to do what I love - help others build their relationship toolbox as their Relationship Coach! What an amazing gift to see others grow and develop through their own relationship journey!

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Zander P.

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I decided to join RCT because my partner was talking about how important relationship skills are and I decided I wanted to really dive in and this was the best way to do it. I didn't really know what to expect. It was costly and I didn't really know what I was going to get out of it. My expereince was beyond what I expected. It's changed my life completely with all of my relationships but especially with myself. I notice I handle things differently. I feel more confident in my realtionships with my mom and son.

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Robyn P.

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I decided to join RCT because it resonated with who I truly am and what I believe I was born to do. Everytime I practiced my coaching or went to class, that was confirmed for me; That I was in the right place.This has been one of the best decisios I've ever made. Before RCT I was someone who gave a lot in all areas of life and I lost sight of myself and who I was. RCT helped me come back to myself and really ground in who I am. I am more confident in living authentically.

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Daniel S.

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Jason's mission is to get this to everybody, and I feel so engaged to join him in that mission. This education is something that you will never get in school, in college, growing up. And from what I've learned this weekend and how I feel so inspired to change, but also to let that ripple out to the universe, is something I would recommend to anybody to come. Do you want to work on yourself? This is the place to do it.

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Christine R.

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I finished rct and I was life changing for me in many ways. Specifically taking personal responsibility and getting out of the victim mentality. Also, going through my divorce and learning some better tools on conflict resolution and how to relate just one on one with a person. Some of the tools that I learned in Deeper I started to use with my children as well.

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Amy W.

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I'm a therapist by profession and what I have seen in my time with Jason and his work is that he brings theory and a practicality. So, a lot of people can teach the theory. What Jason does, which I feel is different, is that he makes it practically. And with the Deeper program, we practiced it for nine months. It's not a five day workshop or a three day workshop and then we're done in them or on our own.

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Jennifer M.

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Relationship coach training has changed my life. Its changed my relationships with my family, my friends and most of all myself. My life has been transformed by being a coach, being with people in such intimate powerful ways with individuals and couples.

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Brittany B.

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I wasnt always aware that I was going to be a relationship coach, this was a path that I naturally stumbled upon through my own pain. I became a better leader, a better coach, a better mother and a better helper. Once I recieved this transformation I want to give it to others!

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Bethany Z.

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The school changed me, I wouldnt trade my journey with the relationship school for anything. I discovered myself, became a better parent and became a better wife. I discovered self love and created a whole career.

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Krista C.

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If you are ready to meet other like minded kind humans, face your wounds, heal your heart and live according to your values buckle up and click register! What an amazing adventure! I feel like the weight of the world has been lifted from my shoulders. I don't have to know everything. I don't have to fix everyone. I can lean in and trust my journey and the journey others choose. What a relief and what an opportunity, thanks Jayson and the entire team!

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Zack E.

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I had been working professionally as a coach for four years when I joined RCT. Even though its really geared towards beginer coaches, I found that it really brought me back to the fundamentals and really honed my skills and level of attunement. This course caused me to level up and I met some really great people along the way.

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Meet your instructor

Jayson Gaddis is the couple's coach for entrepreneurs. He is a best-selling author, podcaster, speaker, coach, CEO and relationship expert. Over 100,000 people have benefited from his online programs, he’s trained hundreds of coaches worldwide in Present Centered Relationship Coaching– a model he created, his podcast has over 8,000,000 downloads, his book won Best Leadership and Business book in 2021 on Amazon, and he’s run a 7- figure company since 2018.  He’s been married to his amazing wife since 2007 and has two beautiful kids. They live in Boulder, Colorado. When he doesn’t live and breathe this relationship stuff with his family, he pretty much gets his ass handed to him. 

Look around at people. What do you see?

I see a lot of people who are suffering and struggling in their interpersonal relationships. Here are some noteworthy facts:

  • An estimated 80% of couples are headed in the direction of divorce within their first four to five years of marriage (Source: Gottmans)​
  • Stress related ailments cost the US $300 billion every year. $100 billion more than what obesity costs.
  • 7 out of 10 Americans take at least one prescription drug.​​
  • 1 in every 10 Americans takes an antidepressant.
  • Only 12% of mental health conditions in the DSM-V have a treatment for them.
  • The rate of antidepressant use in this country among teens and adults (people ages 12 and older) increased by almost 400% between 1988–1994 and 2005–2008 (Source: National Center for Health Statistics).

I don’t know about you, but when I look at those stats, they are sobering. They tell me that behind everyone’s happy Facebook and Instagram pics, people are indeed hurting. It tells me that these people need your help.

It would be great if suffering in the world went away, but conflict and human suffering have been around forever, and I don’t think our species can transcend that.

So, rather than aim for peace and Utopia, I want you to have the chops to help people in the trenches of their daily lives, helping them navigate the difficult people in their lives and help them navigate their relationship to themselves.

A lot of people don’t actually like themselves, or they are unfulfilled.

This is where you come in..

You can improve your natural ability to help others by becoming a Certified Relationship Coach and you can upgrade any old habits of enabling, codependency, or rescuing.

Meet Our Guest Faculty

Richard C. Schwartz, Ph.D. 

The Founder of Internal Family Systems.

IFS- How to Work With Two Conflicting Parts

Ellen Boeder, MA, LPC

Relationship teacher, Level 3 PACT therapist, coach, wife, mother, interpersonal evolutionary biology nerd.

How to Coach Attachment Styles in Individual Coaching

Cory Muscara

Former monk, host of the Practicing Human podcast (5MM), and bestselling author of the book, Stop Missing Your Life.

How to Create Deep, Lasting Change

Mark Groves 

Human Connection Specialist, founder of Create the Love, host of the Mark Groves Podcast and co-author of Liberated Love.

Dealing with Your Own Issues As A Coach

The World Needs You Now More Than Ever

Why do relationship coaches matter? Because 1 in 2 marriages end in divorce, and 3 out of 5 Americans are lonely. We have a loneliness epidemic and a looming mental health crisis. Couples that do conflict well live 10 years longer than couples who don’t. Relationship stress is a chronic disease that’s destroying our quality of life, shortening our lifespan, bankrupting health care systems, and threatening the health of future generations. And our medical model is not prepared to address it. Why?

Because the only way to prevent or reverse the loneliness or mental health epidemic and help people feel empowered in their relationships is by changing how we handle conflict, how we listen, how we parent, how we work with our triggers, and how we communicate our needs.

Traditional therapy is simply not set up to do this and it’s too broad. The vast majority of trauma and mental health issues stem from a relationship issue. The bottom line is we need people who can not only provide support, but also challenge people to transform how they show up relationally. We need empathetic and compassionate people with skills, street-level tools for human connection, and a passion for change.My job is to make sure the coaches have all the training they need to do their jobs so well that they will change the future of society and our interconnectedness with others.

Relationship Coach Training:

9-Month Certification Program 

2025 RCT-Training Intensives with Jayson

THere will be 2 in-person Training Intensives where you need to fly to Boulder Colorado for 3 full days (kick off weekend) and 2 full days at the end of the program (graduation).

All RCT-support calls are on one Tuesday per month from 12:30 pm MST - 1:30 pm MST

The rest is self-paced online.

Frequently Asked Questions:


Yes. You are Certified by The Relationship School® You can still “graduate” the program and not be certified and get the same amount of value/learning. We have some students do this option.

9 month online training with 2 in person intensives

Yes. Two. You will need to make your own traveling, food, and lodging arrangements while in Boulder Colorado.

That will be discussed during your interview.

  • You may be asking, “Is this program right for me?” Great question! If you say yes to any of the following, I think you’re in the perfect place:
    • I’m very into learning about people
    • I’d love to have a career helping others
    • I want a lucrative career with flexibility and the freedom to choose my own hours
    • I want to know the latest cutting edge approaches to relationship challenges
    • I want a unique certification that stands out in the marketplace and actually makes a difference in the world
    • Regardless of gender, sexuality, religion, race or your relationship status.
  • This training is NOT for you if you want to stay a victim and stay stuck in a victim model of healing
  • This is not for you if you want a “safe place” to work your stuff out
  • This is not for you if you are looking for the training or its leaders to help you feel safe and heal
  • If you are stuck in blame and cannot take personal responsibility, then this training is definitely not for you

It’s called Present Centered Relationship Coaching and was developed over the last 20+ years by our founder, Jayson Gaddis.

It really depends on the pace of the individual however on average: RCT: 4-6 hrs/week

Therapy is typically a supportive environment only, whereas coaching provides support and also challenges the client to grow with clear relationship goals and objectives.

Relationships are a constant work in progress. It’s okay if you are still learning and growing, as long as you are able to take personal responsibility, have empathy, and are open to growing.

No. However, in every cohort, we have therapists, nurses, doctors, and social workers join our coaching program

We have some coaches making six figures a year, we have some coaches seeing one client a week, and we have coaches take the program just to grow personally and never become coaches. It's up to you.

Have more questions?

Book a FREE discovery call to find out if this training is right for you.

Hear the stories of the Relationship Coaching Community ...

Need More Proof?

Take a look at what these students had to say...

" My relationship with myself has improved with better boundaries and self-awareness."

"My relationship with myself has improved with better boundaries and self-awareness. This has impacted my high-stakes relationships for the better. My youngest daughter recently stated: I like this new mom! So I think my new toolbox/skillset is being put to good use for all around me, including myself. Thank you!!!"

- Pasty S, Maplewood MN 

"I want to change the narrative around Men of Color, emotions and healing. "

"Coming into this course I was in a horrible place in life and around relationships. This course helped me to understand what was happening to me and what I needed to do which was take ownership of my part of grow. My relationships have improved so much since this course! Whether I start a business or not, this investment in myself was life changing. I can't thank Jayson, MITS, and my cohort enough for allowing me to be here. I want to change the narrative around men of color, emotions and healing. This is just the start. I will continue to research and grow in all intersectionalities I possess. Overall this was a challenging year with the relationships courses, teaching two courses and running an office. This was a rooting for me and a time to get the growth I needed! -Thank you! ”

- Will S, Boone NC

" I feel more confident in my relationships with my mom and son."

"My experience was beyond what I expected. It's changed my life completely with all of my relationships but especially with myself. I notice I handle things differently. I feel more confident in my relationships with my mom and son. I have new ways of looking at my relationships. This training completely changed the dynamics of those relationships. There are literally no regrets. Not only do you get all these amazing tools but also a community of people who are like minded and all invested in growing along with you."

- Zander P, Ojai, CA

Named by Life Coach Magazine as the best comprehensive learning for a coaching program in 2023 & 2024.

Don't settle for mediocrity when you can become an exceptional relationship coach. Join us and embark on a journey of personal and professional growth like never before.

Get Paid To Help Others, Transform Your Relationships, And Live A Deeply Meaningful Career.

Refund Policy

We feel strongly that our course is an investment that will greatly strengthen the scope of your practice and personal growth. We believe that you will love this course, however, we do have a refund policy if you are not fully satisfied with your investment. We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee from the date of your enrollment. Simply email info@relationshipschool.com to request a refund. No refunds will be permitted following 30 days of your first payment.
*Effective March 2024