
End The Struggle With Him Roadmap
& Monthly Group Coaching Membership

The End The Struggle With Him Roadmap & Monthly Group Coaching Membership

  • Get Him To Open Up: Video Class & Ebook ( $19 value)
  • The 4 Steps To Get Him To Connect With You Emotionally ($57 value)
  • The Complete End The Struggle With Him 30-Day Life Changing Program  + The Powerful 180 Clarity To Freedom Process ($397 value)
  • One Live 60-Minute Breakthrough Group Coaching Session Per Month ($1500)​

Plus 4 Incredible Bonuses

  • Bonus 1: Cracking The Man Code Ebook ($27 value)
  • ​​Bonus 2: 120 Minute End The Struggle With Him Q & A Recording ($127)​ 
  • Bonus 3: The Infamous Recorded Call Where Jasyon’s Wife Ellen Breaks Down What She Did To Get Him To Fully Commit And Never Look Back ($997 value)
  • ​Bonus 4: Self Love Class: The Key To Getting Your Non-Negotiable Needs Met By Him ($197 value)​
  • ​AND Access To The Private ESH Facebook Group​

What others are saying about End The Struggle With Him...

"I finally figured out how to soothe myself. I nest. I calm. I quiet. I relax. I knit the quilt of self awareness, self knowing and calm. And then he is suddenly THERE. Three and a half years and he looks at me like he's just discovered me, and I've just discovered him, like I'm the ocean and he's an island. Or maybe the other way around. But it's profound. I've taken WAY longer than 30 days. Started this in June I think. Now October. Not told him, not asked, not pushed. Been working on me. Quieting, gentling, calming. Now, all at once, he's here."
- Jenn

"Life changing for me. I'm using other tools/resources as well which include the Boundaries book and video series through a local support group, classes/books by Jeff Brown which led me to mindfulness and somatic work. The combination has been truly life changing for myself and everyone I interact with. I'm able to communicate my triggers, needs, boundaries in a way people can hear that I NEVER have been able to do before so I'm happy to support Jayson. Good luck to you in your journey."
- Diana


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You have 30 days from enrollment to request a full refund. To initiate a refund, please email us at info@relationshipschool.com.

​Refund Terms

  • ​Refunds are only available within 30-days of your enrollment date.
  • ​​After 30 days, all membership fees are non-refundable.
  • For refund requests submitted within 30 days, please provide a written reason and supporting documentation.
  • For refund requests submitted within 30 days, please provide a written reason and supporting documentation.

Our team will review your request and make a fair decision based on the provided information.
​We are committed to your satisfaction and will work with you to ensure a reasonable resolution.

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